How Do Locksmiths Unlock Cars?

07 Aug

How Do Locksmiths Unlock Cars?

When car owners get locked out of their cars, the expert that comes to mind is an automotive locksmith. Unfortunately, car lockouts are common, and solving this problem can be easy or difficult, depending on the type of car involved. Due to this, automotive locksmiths have developed different methods for tackling car lockouts depending on the model and sophistication of the vehicle.

So, if you are wondering how an automotive locksmith unlocks cars, keep reading this article to find out more.

J and L Tools

J and L tools are shaped according to the letters and they are used on older car versions with a lock and unlock button on the doors. The J tool is inserted through the window and manipulated to lift the lock button. The L tool fulfills a similar function, just that it is used for specific car models.

Slim Jim

The Slim Jim tool is one of the commonest tools every automotive locksmith has because of its ability to effectively unlock car doors without picking the lock. There are dozens of slim jim tools designed specifically for different models. The locksmith inserts a slim jim tool through the weather stripping of the car’s window into the door, and the hooked end is manipulated to catch the rod that connects to the lock mechanism. When skilfully used, it can unlock the door. As easy as this process may sound, it requires some skills to pull through. An amateur could detach the lock rod or cause further damage while using the slim jim.

Broken Key Extractor

If a car key gets broken in the lock, it becomes impossible to pick the lock. Thankfully, an auto locksmith uses a tool called a key extractor. The key extractor works effectively on any lock with a broken key. Like other tools, a key extractor requires prior knowledge and expertise. Once the key is removed, further services like car key replacement or duplication will be necessary.

Immobilizer Re-flashing

Immobilizers are often found in modern cars and serve as a theft-preventive system that stops the vehicle from starting when someone tries to steal it. However, with time, this immobilizer may become defective and prevent car owners from starting the vehicle. Therefore, an automotive locksmith will usually flash (program) the immobilizer to its factory setting so that it can accept new keys.

Professional Reprogramming

Another way locksmiths help owners regain access to their vehicles and cut out functioning keys is to reprogram the lock. Newer vehicles use the keyless entry system, which is more sophisticated and usually prevents other keys from starting the car, even if it is duplicated. However, a professional locksmith can reprogram the lock to allow you access to the vehicle.

Let a locksmith help you unlock your car

There are other ways locksmiths unlock cars but a professional locksmith from A&A Aventura Pro Locksmith. We understand what you are passing and will arrive at the location in a short time. We utilize a combination of advanced techniques and equipment to ensure we deliver fast and effective services.

Customer Reviews

I needed a spare key cut and programmed.  I was not in a rush but was happy when they still came the same day.  Reuben called me when he was on his way, so I didn't feel like I was…

Michael Cunningham

I got locked out of my car, the worse scenario ever especially with 3 kids on the road. I was terrified...A&A Pro Locksmith turn around was so fast, they came in few minutes opened my car, very courteous and professional. Took…

Jessica White

Locked myself out of the house. Called about 4 different locksmith.  No answer or too far from our house. Finally got to A&A Aventura Pro Locksmith LLC. The guy came on time. Had everything he needed to unlock our front…

James Fletcher

Great service and products! Re-keying our new home was a quick and smooth process thanks to this locksmith. Great suggestions by the specialist on how to navigate between the house's various doors and locks and what solutions/combinations to select.

Alan Walker